Understand why we do what we do :P


How to measure the weight of the Earth?

What is the weight of the Earth, and how do we measure it? It is not like we can ask the Earth to step on a weighing machine right? So how does one measure the weight of the Earth?

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“I’ll be back in a jiffy!” What is a “jiffy”?

So we have heard this expression a number of times, all our friends, maybe even family, random strangers who we just met have used this mysterious word called “jiffy”.

We make sense of it to be a short span of time. But what is its origin and what exactly does it mean?

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If you dug a hole through the center of the earth, and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?

Gravitational field lines around the Earth.

Image via Wikipedia

Now, we know that gravity does strange things. This coupled with Einstein’s theory and the basic idea that the above would never be possible as:-

  1. No one can dig right through the middle of the Earth
  2. If we do jump in, we would burn to a crisp

But hypothetically, avoiding the above doubts, if there was a hole across the diameter of the Earth, and we jumped in, would we hang out in the middle? And if so, why?

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What does “Bazinga” mean?

We have heard Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper from Big Bang Theory use this word in quite a few situations. We know the intention, and we know the situation where it is used, but what does it actually mean 🙂

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What color is the sun? (No, it is not Yellow!! :P)


Image via Wikipedia

Well for all the kids who paint on their little canvases or to graphic designers who make the vast reaches of space out of pure imagination. Here is something that will turn your world around!


So which color do you think it is? 🙂

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Why do men’s shirts have buttons on the right while women’s shirts have them on the left?

Buttons with just three holes.

Image via Wikipedia


Well this was interesting to observe and read about.. Considering from the wearer’s point of view, men’s shirts have buttons on the right, while the ones for women have them on the left.

What could be the reason for this? Could this be a way to differentiate between women and men’s clothes? Well surprisingly the reasoning is very simple 🙂


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Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

A tube of Super glue

Image via Wikipedia

Well we all know that we can use glue to stick things to each other. What if my crisis is that the glue bottle has cracked or broken?

Is this bottle made of some weird material that is resistant to the glue’s awesome “sticky powers”!!!

Well to put it simply, the answer to my crisis is “Yes, I can use glue to fix a cracked glue bottle”. But then how does the glue not stick to the inside of a bottle? What is the secret?

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Why don’t birds on power lines get electrocuted?

A grey-headed flying fox (Pteropus poliocephal...

Image via Wikipedia

Imagine if your eyes could see electrons moving.. You could then see the stream of fast-moving electrons on these power lines, which have the power to give you the shock of your life, literally!

How do birds then, not get electrocuted? Do they have some super power? Are they immune to current, that no matter what they don’t get electrocuted? Or is it something they hide under their feathers, a secret weapon to counter electricity, and then one day deny us the power of the electric current and take over as the new rulers of the world?

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